Archive | April 2012


As we look forward to tonights Easter Vigil and the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ,  I offer to you my reflection on what Resurrection means. . .



Resurrection is more than the cross we see,

and more than the story we’ve been told.

Resurrection is not something that was simply done for you and me,

It is more that the pretty holy card pictures and the prayers on the back;


Resurrection is something that requires of us a little dying each day,

A little rising above the deaths of our lives ~ ~

It is the truth that Christ died to show us how to live, to show us life.


And if you tell me that Resurrection was a biblical event some 2,000 years ago

I will tell you that I can’t understand, I can’t comprehend. . .

But when you stand before me and show me your wounds,

when you invite me to share in your pain, then I know, then I can comprehend. . .




each day an alcoholic  goes without drink. . .

there is resurrection


each day a child is caressed in love and not struck in anger. . .

there is resurrection


for every day a person in depression and darkness sees the joy of life. . .

there is resurrection


for every victim of AIDS who finds comfort with a friend. . .

there is resurrection


every time the homeless find a home. . .

there is resurrection


whenever the cry of the poor is heard. . .

there is resurrection


when we can accept love and life as it is. . .

there is resurrection


when I can live fully,

when I can get strong in the middle of the pain

and still smile others into existence. . .

there is resurrection


when I can see light in the darkness of my heart

when I can love myself and see my goodness,

there is resurrection

when I can accept your concern and claim that as a way back through

the jungle of guilt and confusion. . .

There is resurrection


Sometimes it is so hard to live each day in the midst of what I see on the streets,

In my office, at home, in the lives of those I love. . .

Sometimes I want to run away and cry ~ ~ sometimes it is easier to die

than to be brought to life . . . sometimes. . .


Resurrection means “rising” above the death that living can bring.


For I cannot believe in a God who folds his arms over his chest and says,

“I can have nothing to do with you, you are a sinner”,

I can only believe in a God who catches me when I fall!


God can do nothing else,

God is Love,

God is Resurrection!!!


Sandy Ozanich © 2012

Cross Purposes

I could never understand it; the cross, you know.

How could you willingly go to such a horrible death?

I stood there in shock, wondering what it all meant, if it

meant anything at all ~ ~ ~you were the one who always challenged

the law and now you allow yourself to be a victim of that same law.

I thought you said you had come to save us, to set us free, to destroy

the ones who hold us bound ~ now they are destroying you!

“They did not desgtroy me, they only succeeded in destroying themselves”.

We are at Cross Purposes my friend ~ ~

Step outside your Jerusalem walls and weep with me.

Look within your Lawful Gates and see the ones who wait for love;

love for the sake of love

love without recrimination

love without judgement

Do not set your pride above your compassion

Weep with me for the victims of their Letter Laws ~ ~

the ones that have been crucified with disdain;

those who don’t conform. . .

the gay ones. . .

the homeless and poor ones. . .

the welfare mother. . .

Stand with me, watch with me, follow me. . .

Because when all is said and done the Cross wins the victory, the Cross wins!!!

Sandy Ozanich ~ Copyright 2012

Jenny's Serendipity Art Blog

In everything, goodness is there, our goal is to find it.

In every person, the best is there, our job is to recognise it.

In every situation, the positive is there, our opportunity is to see it.

In every problem, the solution is there, our responsibility is to provide it.

In every setback, the success is there, our adventure is to discover it.

In every crisis, the reason is there, our challenge is to understand it.

By seeing the goodness, we’ll be very enthusiastic and our lives will be richer.




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