Archive | May 26, 2012

Immaculee’ Ilibagiza

About a year ago myself and some friends went to the Diocesan Catholic Women’s  Conference which featured Immaculee Ilibagiza.  Immaculee is one of a few survivors of the massacre in Rwanda in 1994.

I am so in awe of this woman and her strength!  She survived this massacre by staying in a small bathroom with 7 other women for 90 days!!!  Try to imagine that ~ 90 Days!  Needless to say these women lost  lot of weight but gained strength in God.

Immaculee’s story is recounted in her book, “Left to Tell”.  I highly recommend it because you will see love & hate, miracles & forgiveness.  And if we pay attention, we too will gain a deeper love for Jesus and His Mother, not to mention the visionaries you will meet who, through the warnings of the Blessed Mother fortold of this massacre.

Immaculee is a very humble woman and the most amazing thing about her is her joy!  She has found within her soul the ability to forgive those who murdered her mother, father and brothers.  How is this possible?  It is only possible by giving your grief, your anger, your rage to God and ask him to redeem it.  To ask the Blessed Mother to hold you to her heart and help find that joy, peace and forgiveness that is so needed.

She has written several books; let me recommend them to you.  You can look on her website:  or through  The titles are:  Left to Tell, Our Lady of Kibeho and The Boy Who Met Jesus. 

Our Lady of Kibeho is about the visitations Our Lady made to 3 High School girls in Kibeho and a boy named Segatashya.

Segatashya is the subject of the book, The Boy Who Met Jesus.  I am currently reading this book and I can’t tell you how moved I am by this book.  Jesus comes to this boy, someone who lived in a hut, who had never seen inside a church or heard of Jesus.  His testimony is incredible!

Do yourself a very big favor and read these books.  You won’t regret it, in fact I expect that you will thank me for it.  Although, no thanks are necessary, just read the books and get ready to have Jesus and the Blessed Mother speak to your hearts.

One more thing, Our Lady of Kibeho visitations have been sanctioned by the Vatican as authentic.

May the hand of God caress you in love, joy and strength for the journey!

Sandy Ozanich – (c) 2012